跨课程写作 at Landmark College (WAC@LC): Statement of 任务 and 目标
跨课程写作 at Landmark College (WAC@LC) 旨在促进一种大学范围内的文化,在这种文化中,写作的研究和写作实践的发展被认为是有价值的,对交流是必不可少的, 思考, 学习, 建设的意义, 完成目标, 培养对自我和他人的意识.
WAC@LC是基于这样一种信念,即写作和阅读是相互关联和互补的活动和能力, and that college students’ development as writers and 读者 is ongoing. Responsibility for this development is shared among all faculty at the college, 跨越水平和学科/学位.
We provide resources and opportunities for conversation, 咨询, and 支持 to faculty who use writing in their courses, 感谢支持学生写作的工作人员, 学生们努力变得有效率, 自信, and flexible writers and 读者 in a variety of contexts.
我们WAC的核心使命是相信当学生在课程中经常有写作的机会时, 他们的思考更具批判性和创造性, 更深入地参与他们的学习, and are better able to transfer what they have learned from course to course, 上下文对上下文.
为了实现这一使命,Landmark College的写作课程(WAC@LC)追求以下目标:
- 在课程的各个层次和学科中促进写作练习的发展和使用,以促进学习和交流(“学习写作”和“写作学习”).
- 提供与写作和阅读教学法相关的教师合作和持续专业发展的机会, including group sessions and individual 咨询.
- Promote understanding of the concepts and principles that cut across all writing tasks.
- Create and share 支持 resources for all faculty who assign writing and use writing in their classes.
- Create accessible resources to 支持 students in their ongoing growth as writers, 读者, 和思想家.
- 建议和提倡在我们的课程中清晰地表达写作练习和指导的线索, 学科, 和学位.
- Engage in assessment of student 学习 outcomes related to writing and reading.