

在地标学院, 我们开始写作教学时假设所有的学生都有能力成为更好的作家.

艺术作品,上面写着2023年WAC示范项目,带有WAC结算所和跨课程写作协会的标志We believe developing writers benefit from regular practice, from collaboration with and guided 支持 from experienced writers and teachers. 所有的作家都有更多的东西要学, 和实践, 反馈, 修订, and reflection are all critical to writers’ development.

Our goal is to help students become better writers, 培养他们的能力和实践,使他们在大学毕业后能够在新的和不同的写作环境中取得成功.

Writing is both an activity and a subject of study, 我们的课程促进了作家能力的发展,增加了他们对写作和修辞本质的认识.

Writing is a physical and emotional and cognitive activity.


View our Glossary of Writing and Reading Terms


Learn more about writing at Landmark College:

  • 跨课程写作, 全国性的运动, 是基于这样一种信念:如果学生在整个大学课程中始终如一地反复写作,他们就能学到更多东西,成为更好的思考者和沟通者.

    Landmark College的课程写作(WAC@LC)创建于2019年,是由Landmark College写作项目的工作发展而来的, a 4.5-year project funded by a generous grant from the Davis Educational Foundation, which was established by Stanton and Elisabeth Davis after Mr. Davis's retirement as chairman of Shaw's Supermarkets, Inc.

    我们的使命是确保所有学位课程的学生都有频繁和有意义的写作机会, 修改, and discuss their writing in courses from their freshman year to graduation.

    WAC@LC works with faculty at the college to strengthen and align our approach to writing instruction, 赋值, and assessment across all departments and all levels.

    We provide ongoing faculty workshops and 咨询 services, 与学术支持服务部门合作, 并为教师和学生创建可访问的资源,以帮助学生作家变得更有效和自信.

    For more information about WAC at Landmark College, please email (电子邮件保护).

  • 跨课程写作 at Landmark College (WAC@LC): Statement of 任务 and 目标



    跨课程写作 at Landmark College (WAC@LC) 旨在促进一种大学范围内的文化,在这种文化中,写作的研究和写作实践的发展被认为是有价值的,对交流是必不可少的, 思考, 学习, 建设的意义, 完成目标, 培养对自我和他人的意识.

    WAC@LC是基于这样一种信念,即写作和阅读是相互关联和互补的活动和能力, and that college students’ development as writers and 读者 is ongoing. Responsibility for this development is shared among all faculty at the college, 跨越水平和学科/学位.

    We provide resources and opportunities for conversation, 咨询, and 支持 to faculty who use writing in their courses, 感谢支持学生写作的工作人员, 学生们努力变得有效率, 自信, and flexible writers and 读者 in a variety of contexts. 

    我们WAC的核心使命是相信当学生在课程中经常有写作的机会时, 他们的思考更具批判性和创造性, 更深入地参与他们的学习, and are better able to transfer what they have learned from course to course, 上下文对上下文.


    为了实现这一使命,Landmark College的写作课程(WAC@LC)追求以下目标:

    • 在课程的各个层次和学科中促进写作练习的发展和使用,以促进学习和交流(“学习写作”和“写作学习”).
    • 提供与写作和阅读教学法相关的教师合作和持续专业发展的机会, including group sessions and individual 咨询.
    • Promote understanding of the concepts and principles that cut across all writing tasks. 
    • Create and share 支持 resources for all faculty who assign writing and use writing in their classes.
    • Create accessible resources to 支持 students in their ongoing growth as writers, 读者, 和思想家.
    • 建议和提倡在我们的课程中清晰地表达写作练习和指导的线索, 学科, 和学位.
    • Engage in assessment of student 学习 outcomes related to writing and reading.
  • Landmark College认识到写作是一个复杂而具有挑战性的认知过程,也是我们许多学生最大的学术困难之一.

    学生报名参加两门课程, required freshman composition and rhetoric sequence as part of their college requirements.

    Additional required writing courses appear in sophomore, 初级, 大四那年, depending on a student’s chosen degree program.

    Landmark College的学生受益于在课堂和办公时间与经验丰富的教师一起工作, and additional 支持 is offered in our Drake Center for 学术支持 (DCAS). Some writers benefit from assistive technology to increase their written output, and some may need extra time to develop and implement a successful writing process.

  • Landmark College的写作教师在与学生的所有工作中都遵循以下原则. 

    1. Writing is best taught as an individualized, strategic, recursive, flexible, multi-stage process.
    2. All writing exists within a rhetorical situation; attention should be paid to the interrelationships of writer, 观众, 消息, 目的, 和流派.
    3. Writing and reading are interrelated and complementary activities and abilities.
    4. 我们区分低风险的初步写作和高风险的已完成的草稿准备提交和评估.
    5. Writing generates 思考 and allows for discovery while writing. Writers do not have to have fully formed ideas before they begin writing.
    6. 我们欣赏形成性评价和反馈在作家发展中所起的教育作用, 我们以尊重学生优点的方式回应学生的写作,并根据每个学生的独特情况和能力进行调整.
    7. Deadline policies should be clearly articulated and designed to encourage prompt work completion. 这些政策还应该允许适当的灵活性,以考虑到学生在截止日期前养成有效写作习惯和技能的不同速度.
    8. While we value correctness and teach editing skills, we believe that good writing has essential qualities that are more important, 比如清晰度, 焦点, 支持, 和一致性. 我们也认识到,大量的研究支持这一发现,即去语境化的语法教学对学生清晰写作的能力几乎没有影响, 正确的散文.
    9. We understand that a student’s ability to write clear, 没有错误的句子是与上下文相关的,在遇到复杂和具有认知挑战性的任务和想法时可能会减少. 在写作过程的早期阶段过多地关注正确性也可能会抑制学生表达复杂思想的能力. Editing is best left to later stages of a writing process.
    10. We do not edit or make corrections for students; instead we work with students to teach them how to become stronger editors of their own work.
    11. Writing does not have to be graded to serve as a tool for 学习 and for developing 思考 skills.
    12. 总结性评估依赖于上下文,应该基于确定的评估标准和任何个别作业的既定学习成果. In other words, all possible elements of writing need not be assessed for all 赋值s.
  • Landmark College写作指导旨在帮助学生在所有写作任务中提出这些问题.  问题1:需要还是迫切/我们为什么写作. What conversation, question, situation, and context am I responding to? How does this impact how, when, and what I write? Question 2: Critical thought/Engaging w/ texts, ideas, others. Do I need to summarize, analyze, synthesize, or interpret for this task? What are appropriate claims and evidence suited to this task? How can I use resources or re搜索 for this task? Question 3: Conventions/“Rules” and expectations. What are the expectations for correctness and use of language for this task? What citation and referencing rules do I need to follow? 问题4:题材. Different situations require different forms of writing. What disciplinary or discourse community expectations do I need to consider? Which forms of writing are appropriate for this task? 模型结构如何指导我? 问题5:观众/我们的读者. 谁会读我的作品? 他们做什么?
