(Cost includes double occupancy residence hall room, meals, and 活动.)
- Summer Short-term Program Application (在线)
- 暑期课程申请 (PDF)
- 2024项目手册 (PDF)
- 快速连结缴交申请费用
What You Gain from a Summer at Landmark College
Our 暑期大学预备课程, for college-bound high school graduates, 这一切都是为了准备——通过实践和接触——为关键的大学第一学期做准备吗. 这也是关于 understanding the changing role of a high school student to a college student. 即使是成绩最好的学生在大学的第一个学期也经常面临意想不到的困难,可能使他们面临失败或挣扎的风险. Problems often arise not from a lack of academic abilities, but from the enormous jump in independence required in a college environment.
学生们沉浸在一种生活/学习体验中,这种体验提供了一种真正的大学生活的“味道”,以及他们将在秋季遇到的大学水平的工作. They develop a clear understanding of their personal learning strengths and needs, and discover how resources and self-advocacy can support their success in college. 这种对大学生活的预习有助于缓解焦虑,培养学生在面对大学新要求时所需的信心.
This program is designed to help students who want to:
- Learn to articulate individual learning issues that need attention
- 确定他们在大学需要的具体支持和住宿,以及如何获得这些支持和住宿
- Experience a typical introductory college-level lecture class
- 学习和练习自我辩护的技巧,这是他们在大学一年级所需要的
- 运用组织能力, 有用的习惯, 以及在大学取得成功所需要的有用行为,以及识别可能在第一年出现的问题习惯和行为
- 开始…的过程 transitioning from an adolescent to a young adult
患有社交焦虑和交友困难的学生可以选择参加社会支持活动, including social pragmatic workshops and student affairs events. 居民助理可以作为同伴导师提供有关活动的信息,并帮助学生感受到与地标社区的联系.
Rite of Passage: Transition to Adulthood
2024年夏季新品 通过体验式编程,学生将开始理解并拥抱他们从青春期到初成年期的过渡. 学生将在探索自己的价值观和设计服务项目的同时,获得人际交往和实践技能,为他们所关心的社区带来改变.
- 编程将向学生介绍成人礼(RoP)框架和思维方式, and will facilitate skill development, by developing an executable service project.
- 咨询会议和学术课程将介绍基本技能和想法,以支持和补充RoP服务项目的工作.
- 除了作为住宿课程的一部分提供的常规生活和学习技能外,课外项目还将通过加强相关技能和策略来进一步支持学生,以建立在其他地方使用的课程.
注意:为了进入这个项目, students must provide a letter of admission to a four-year college or university. A diagnosed learning disability is not required to enroll in this program.
金融援助 is available and awarded upon acceptance. Financial aid applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. 我们鼓励家长提交一份 申请经济资助 早期.